Shape the future by predicting it with our Impact Markets

We are building towards a Regenerative, Sustainable, Circular, and Decentralized future

A brief history of markets, the evolution of exchange, and the future with blockchain

Markets have been a fundamental part of society since ancient times. From early bartering to today's complex stock exchanges, humans have sought efficient ways to exchange goods and services. Throughout history, the means of exchange have evolved to reflect the changing needs of society and its modes of coordination.

Social and environmental impact markets: a new way to capture value

Social and environmental impact markets are a new type of emerging market that utilizes blockchain technology to connect investors with companies and projects that have a positive impact on the world. These markets have the potential to create real change by funding innovative solutions to social and environmental problems.

Impact Market Makers

Are you an Impact Maker? Become a creator of new possibilities while capturing value and promoting impactful activities.

The NFTs Market powered by REAL impact


Impact Markets

We are creating an Impact Market where projects can tokenize their positive social and/or environmental impact activities/assets, allowing investors to support and benefit from these initiatives through community tokens with dynamic pricing.

We co-create Decentralized Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (De-MRV) systems that use blockchain technology to transparently and securely track and verify real-world activities, ensuring accountability and accuracy in impact reporting.

We create microeconomies to effectively encourage and reward actions that support specific missions to promote social and environmental change through innovative and sustainable approaches, integrating regenerative and circular models. Our mission is to transform degens into regens.

Tokenomía innovadora

A Positive Sum Game

Imagine a platform where users can collaborate on social impact projects. Each time a user contributes, they not only improve the project but also receive rewards for their participation. In the end, everyone who contributed wins, but most importantly, the project also benefits.

Donors become investors in a secure space backed by real impact.

Do you want to support good causes? Become an investor in change agents—if they prove their impact, they can continue their fundraising rounds, ensuring everyone wins.

Digitize your environmental and/or social impact products/activities with us

Gain exposure, capitalize, continue generating your impact, and create a global community.

Projects will be part of decentralized selection lists with intrinsic economic incentives so that token holders can judiciously select list content. Some projects will require community, professional, or both types of attestation (impact verification), thus discouraging bad actors.

What are we looking to tokenize?

As a development guide, one of the models we use is Kate Raworth's Doughnut Economics, which helps us visualize the most urgent social and planetary needs and serves as a theoretical framework for many studies. We aim to interconnect impact DAOs that add value to each of these needs, supporting the collective mission to stay within planetary and social boundaries. If we succeed in tokenizing valuable resources in both layers of the doughnut, impact markets could create a positive balance between system layers, forming a hyperstructure.

¡Memes Yes! as hiperstructures, not as Financial Flashmobs

Impact DAOs that are part of a Hyperstructure can help address coordination failures on a global scale, which create systemic risks for human development. These failures encompass the complex interaction of human, planetary, and technological factors. Memes have been proven as economic phenomena that, when directed effectively, can be crucial for building decentralized public goods.

Lattice E8


¿No Memes?

We've talked about the Doughnut Economics and now about Hyperstructures funded by production memes. But why does all this matter?

Did you know that we have currently exceeded 6 out of 9 planetary boundaries? Read more in our article on Doughnut Economics and how it is being integrated in Amsterdam and in over 70 other countries.

Anything Within the Economic Doughnut

¿Impact Credits?

Read our article to learn more about impact credits.

Have you heard about carbon credits and impact credits? No? Impact credits are financial instruments that certify projects with both environmental and social benefits, promoting sustainable development and creating positive value for communities and the environment. These credits allow companies and investors to support initiatives that generate tangible outcomes in areas such as emission reduction, biodiversity conservation, and community well-being.

Can we integrate Hyperstructures with circular and regenerative models, funded by development/production memes? Thus creating decentralized tokens backed by real activities, real impact, and human needs? Could this be the future of carbon credits and impact credits?

Growth Tokens

Because it's not just about selling a meme. This is a laboratory for regenerative economies.

Advanced Tokenomics

We help create local microeconomies based on new ways to capture economic value, while rewarding those who support the cause. We transform donors into investors through financial inclusion, decentralized finance, and dynamic pricing.

NFTs/tokens based in impact

Fiat currencies are not backed by physical assets but by the "trust" and "credit" of the government that issues them, also known as debt.

Back your tokens with your activities/assets/impact and use circular development models.

Tokens backed by food, energy, rainwater?

Verify your impact with De-MRV!